Friday, January 29, 2016

#1: Tips to overcome

After the week is over and you have been observing where your thoughts go; I want you to take the weekend and practice not only observing, but taking control. If you do not like a thought that is coming into your mind, change it. Take the negative thought and turn it into a positive. 

Example: When I was doing dishes and I wanted my husband to do the dishes more often, I thought about how much I love serving him. When I thought about how I don't always love to clean, I thought about how I love having a clean house, and that I am capable of finding joy in cleaning. 

Below is a TEDtalk from Dr. Joe Dispenza. I LOVE what he has to say about the mind. So just take a moment and listen to his video and decide how you are going to move forward with how you think!

Affirmation: I own my own power.

#1: My experience

This was such and interesting challenge for me. I had no idea how often my mind went into a new direction or how negative those directions were. I realized through doing this challenge that I am the type of person who likes to make up scenarios. I really DO!

I would be doing dishes and my mind would go to thinking about how much I didn't enjoy cleaning, or that I wished my husband would do the dishes more often. It was not positive.

Next I would be vacuuming the house and plotting a conversation between me and a family member I was upset with. This was dangerous for me because I was unconsciously putting words in their mouth that they would never say, and this made me defensive towards them for no reason. I suppose I just got validation out of it, it's a comfortable place for me to be defensive. I was trying to be prepared for the worst, but that was not necessarily going to happen.

I did not only have negative thoughts, I am proud to say I also had very positive thoughts. I would catch myself looking at another person and saying things I liked about them, or I would compliment myself on a job well done when I completed a task.

This was an eye opening experience that I really enjoyed. It is funny how I have control of my thoughts, but sometimes I let that control go.

Affirmation: I am mindful.

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Challenge #1: Acknowledge Your Thoughts

For our first challenge I want you to pay attention to what your mind thinks. 

This challenge may seem a little silly when read, but give me a chance to explain it. Have you ever been sitting in a meeting and you realize you have been daydreaming and not paying attention to what is being said? That is what I want you to start becoming aware of.


I want this challenge to go even deeper than just realizing when you daydream, but what you are saying. What do you think about in the shower when you have time all to yourself? What are you perceiving when there is an awkward silence between you and another person? Is it positive or negative? Do you relive past experiences or maybe even make up future scenarios that will probably never happen? What is your inner dialog when you make a mistake or on the flip side when you accomplish something incredible?

Throughout this week I want you to become mindful of how you talk to yourself and what you seem to think is important enough to bring up in your free time. Notice the emotions that come with it, if you are stressed by it, or if it makes you hold tension.

I want you to see if you like the thoughts you think or if you could improve a little. What are the reoccurring ideas, are they helpful, do they put a dark cloud over your head. Don't take this exercise as another chance to judge yourself or validate issues, take it as a learning experience of what your inner self thinks about your life.

By doing this exercise you will start to become aware of how your thoughts affect your life.

Affirmation: I acknowledge myself.